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Kimco Realty Corp. | KIM

Daily Technical Analysis of Kimco Realty Corp.

Not too much action today, Kimco Realty drifted down slightly. We'll see where it goes next.

It looks like Kimco Realty isn't currently at a very decisive point in regards to support/resistance levels. KIM hasn't established a very clear directional momentum over the last few months. So it's not clear exactly where it's going. KIM might find some support at the 22.59 level, buyers might push the price back up from here. But it's not very clear what will happen.

Last analyzed on 2024-07-20

Analyst Ratings for Kimco Realty By Price Target And Rating

Overall, the analysts have a more negative view on Kimco Realty but it's not a very strong negative. The current Analysts Sentiment Score is -22.30. Most companies range between (-200 to 200).

Here's a break down of the latest rating changes. Bank of America announced that they are reiterating a rating of Buy on 2024-04-05 and decided to decrease their price target by -16.67% down to $20.00. Robert W. Baird provided a price target decease of -8.7% to $21.00 from $23.00 on 2024-04-04. Citigroup reiterated a rating of Buy on 2024-03-22 and they lowered their price target by -23.08% to $20.00 from a previous target of $26.00. Mizuho announced a lowering of their price target to $21.00 from $22.00 on 2024-02-23. On 2024-01-30 Deutsche Bank Aktiengesel started covering Kimco Realty with a rating of Hold and added a price target of $23.00. Piper Sandler gave a boost to their price target and moved to $26.00 from $24.00 on 2023-12-20. On 2023-11-29 Stifel Nicolaus increased their price target by 6.1% to $21.75. Truist Financial decided to move down their price target on 2023-10-17 to $20.00 which is a -9.09% decrease. On 2023-09-20 Wells Fargo & Company upgraded Kimco Realty from Underweight to Equal Weight and they set their price target at $20.00. On 2023-08-28 Compass Point upgraded Kimco Realty from Neutral to Buy and they set their price target at $22.00.

Company Ratings Score ?
Composite analyst sentiment score
Positive Ratings Negative Ratings Boost Price Target Lower Price Target

Earnings Per Share (EPS) Estimates By Year and Quarter

(updated 2024-04-19)
Company YOY Growth Score (typical -20 to +20) Revision Directions (-6 to +6)

Short interest for Kimco Realty

We take into account several different measures of short interest to create a composite score. These measures are shown in the chart below. Short selling is when investors are betting against a stock. We compile these factors to create a dynamic Short Score - this can indicate poor sentiment, internal problems with a company or industry and the anticipation of future price declines. We look at the short interest percent, days to cover, the rate of change and total shares sold short.

Company Short Score (typical 1-15) ?
We take into account several different measures and attributes of short interest to create a composite sentiment score. typical range (0 - 30)
Short Interest Days to Cover Rate of Change Shares Short

How Kimco Realty compares to the broader Real Estate sector and the more specific REITs industry

Segment Count 1 Day% 5 Day 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month 1 Year RSI 3mo S-momo ? 6mo S-momo 1yr S-momo Resistance ? Support Demark Sell ? Demark Buy Short Interest Analysts Ratings ?

Show Me Companies With:

S-Momentum: Highest | Lowest
1 Day Growth: Highest | Lowest
5 Day Growth: Highest | Lowest
1 Month Growth: Highest | Lowest
6 Month Growth: Highest | Lowest
Real Estate

Show Me Companies With:

S-Momentum: Highest | Lowest
1 Day Growth: Highest | Lowest
5 Day Growth: Highest | Lowest
1 Month Growth: Highest | Lowest
6 Month Growth: Highest | Lowest

Social Sentiment for Kimco Realty

Social Sentiment is an aggregation of several different factors such as news, articles, blogs, user content, ratings, etc. Which is shown in the chart below. It may become predictive of a reversal if price and the sentiment diverge. Broader market forces may push prices up or down but if market participants maintain a different view on a specific stock, it may be taken as an opportunity to buy or sell in those cases.

Ticker Social Sentiment(1-10)

Companies with the highest correlation to Kimco Realty

Company Score 1 Day% 5 Day 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month 1 Year RSI 3mo S-momo ? 6mo S-momo 1yr S-momo Resistance ? Support Demark Sell ? Demark Buy Short Interest Score
BRX | BRIXMOR PROPERTY GROUP IN1.97-0.40-0.776.7622.0519.4723.94908.627.928.130.00-25072.42004.55248
FRT | Federal Realty Investment1.92-0.420.392.3514.4813.0018.36958.878.348.53-441.74-25479.56002.66453
REG | Regency Centers Corporati1.91-0.93-0.103.1419.8217.3813.70936.133.564.03-290.01-19927.4910001.59687
AKR | Acadia Realty Trust1.88-1.86-1.422.9729.9234.4045.899429.6022.8832.980.00-35874.5915002.66545
UE | UBRAN EDGE PROPERTIES1.78-0.34-2.703.9416.0120.2123.838335.7314.7722.150.00-39689.18004.36803
KRG | Kite Realty Group Trust1.71-0.81-1.575.2516.4220.2913.99848.885.226.50-111.53-25393.87003.50661
SPG | Simon Property Group, Inc1.580.19-1.703.677.408.9743.737720.6733.0527.48171.46-26295.66002.24985

Top 3 correlating companies

See full charts for all peers

Sentiment Score

Last updated 2023-07-06 16:01:08

How to use: use the research links to research the asset. Then simply type in a score for each category between (01, 02, 03, 04, 05). 05 being the most bullish and 01 being the most bearish. It will automatically calculate the average and combine it with the technical score to create an overall score to rank prospects by. You can also type notes into each field.

Earnings Estimates
Analyst Rating
Price Targets
Short Interest
Options Sentiment
Institutional Ownership
Social Sentiment
Fidelity Summary
Overall Summary Notes
Calculated Sentiment Sum

Score Sum




Pattern Rank


Total Score



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Yahoo Earnings


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MB Social


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