See Full Analysis
Notional Volume$38.6M
At SMA Score0 (%0)
Demark 9 ?
Demark 9 indicators are designed to look for exhaustion in the selling or buying trend which can often be predictive of a reversal point. This indicator is triggered when there are 9 consecutive days where the closing price is higher/lower than the closing price 4 days ago. Like all indicators, it is best used in combinations with other factors.
0 (%0)
Short Interest Score +
We take into account several different measures of short interest to create a composite score. Range (0 - 30)
Short Interest 2.9%
Days to Cover 3.2
Rate of Change 4.158%
Short Interest Score 3.13108
3.13108 (%79.13)
Options Sentiment0.00
Oversold150 (%INF)
1y S-Momentum ?
Smooth Momentum is our proprietary technical indicator that looks for momentum with the greatest consistency and steady velocity. We have penalized dramatic swings and fluctuations. If the momentum is too high and an asset spikes upward, this is often unreliable and collapses back down. But the smooth momentum provides the highest probability of continuing into the near future with the same directional rate of change. Several complex factors are weighted by neural nets to maximize probabilistic accuracy. It works the same with positive or negative directions.
-17.87 (%46.43)
6m S-Momentum-32.03 (%43.59)
3m S-Momentum-31.48 (%43.7)
Overbought0 (%NAN)
Algorithm Total
Analyst Sentiment ?
We track several different measures of analyst sentiment including ratings and price targets. To create a composite Analyst Sentiment Score, we weight several factors such as the recent rate of change which can be more predictive than the absolute level. We also weight each analyst's opinion based on their historic accuracy. We built in a time decay function to ensure that the rating reflects the current sentiment levels. Typical range (-500 to +500)
Sentiment Score 23.54%
Positive Ratings 104.12%
Negative Ratings -77.55
Boost Price Target 58.92%
Lower Price Target -38.42
23.54 (%55.89)
Broad Sentiment
See Full Analysis
Notional Volume$23.8M
At SMA Score300 (%89.55)
Demark 9 ?
Demark 9 indicators are designed to look for exhaustion in the selling or buying trend which can often be predictive of a reversal point. This indicator is triggered when there are 9 consecutive days where the closing price is higher/lower than the closing price 4 days ago. Like all indicators, it is best used in combinations with other factors.
0 (%0)
Short Interest Score +
We take into account several different measures of short interest to create a composite score. Range (0 - 30)
Short Interest 1.3%
Days to Cover 1.9
Rate of Change 19.47%
Short Interest Score 1.8239
1.8239 (%87.84)
Options Sentiment0.00
Oversold150 (%INF)
1y S-Momentum ?
Smooth Momentum is our proprietary technical indicator that looks for momentum with the greatest consistency and steady velocity. We have penalized dramatic swings and fluctuations. If the momentum is too high and an asset spikes upward, this is often unreliable and collapses back down. But the smooth momentum provides the highest probability of continuing into the near future with the same directional rate of change. Several complex factors are weighted by neural nets to maximize probabilistic accuracy. It works the same with positive or negative directions.
13.89 (%52.78)
6m S-Momentum7.36 (%51.47)
3m S-Momentum2.99 (%50.6)
Overbought0 (%NAN)
Algorithm Total
Analyst Sentiment ?
We track several different measures of analyst sentiment including ratings and price targets. To create a composite Analyst Sentiment Score, we weight several factors such as the recent rate of change which can be more predictive than the absolute level. We also weight each analyst's opinion based on their historic accuracy. We built in a time decay function to ensure that the rating reflects the current sentiment levels. Typical range (-500 to +500)
Sentiment Score 70.30%
Positive Ratings 102.99%
Negative Ratings 0
Boost Price Target 64.13%
Lower Price Target -26.53
70.30 (%67.58)
Broad Sentiment
See Full Analysis
Notional Volume$63M
At SMA Score160 (%47.76)
Demark 9 ?
Demark 9 indicators are designed to look for exhaustion in the selling or buying trend which can often be predictive of a reversal point. This indicator is triggered when there are 9 consecutive days where the closing price is higher/lower than the closing price 4 days ago. Like all indicators, it is best used in combinations with other factors.
0 (%0)
Short Interest Score +
We take into account several different measures of short interest to create a composite score. Range (0 - 30)
Short Interest 3.6%
Days to Cover 5.7
Rate of Change -16.698%
Short Interest Score 4.26595
4.26595 (%71.56)
Options Sentiment0.00
Oversold150 (%INF)
1y S-Momentum ?
Smooth Momentum is our proprietary technical indicator that looks for momentum with the greatest consistency and steady velocity. We have penalized dramatic swings and fluctuations. If the momentum is too high and an asset spikes upward, this is often unreliable and collapses back down. But the smooth momentum provides the highest probability of continuing into the near future with the same directional rate of change. Several complex factors are weighted by neural nets to maximize probabilistic accuracy. It works the same with positive or negative directions.
10.77 (%52.15)
6m S-Momentum4.81 (%50.96)
3m S-Momentum1.81 (%50.36)
Overbought0 (%NAN)
Algorithm Total
Analyst Sentiment ?
We track several different measures of analyst sentiment including ratings and price targets. To create a composite Analyst Sentiment Score, we weight several factors such as the recent rate of change which can be more predictive than the absolute level. We also weight each analyst's opinion based on their historic accuracy. We built in a time decay function to ensure that the rating reflects the current sentiment levels. Typical range (-500 to +500)
Sentiment Score 26.33%
Positive Ratings 28.3%
Negative Ratings 0
Boost Price Target 29.89%
Lower Price Target -5.53
26.33 (%56.58)
Broad Sentiment
See Full Analysis
Notional Volume$113.9M
At SMA Score160 (%47.76)
Demark 9 ?
Demark 9 indicators are designed to look for exhaustion in the selling or buying trend which can often be predictive of a reversal point. This indicator is triggered when there are 9 consecutive days where the closing price is higher/lower than the closing price 4 days ago. Like all indicators, it is best used in combinations with other factors.
0 (%0)
Short Interest Score +
We take into account several different measures of short interest to create a composite score. Range (0 - 30)
Short Interest 3.2%
Days to Cover 3.3
Rate of Change -18.15%
Short Interest Score 2.86885
2.86885 (%80.87)
Options Sentiment0.00
Oversold0 (%NAN)
1y S-Momentum ?
Smooth Momentum is our proprietary technical indicator that looks for momentum with the greatest consistency and steady velocity. We have penalized dramatic swings and fluctuations. If the momentum is too high and an asset spikes upward, this is often unreliable and collapses back down. But the smooth momentum provides the highest probability of continuing into the near future with the same directional rate of change. Several complex factors are weighted by neural nets to maximize probabilistic accuracy. It works the same with positive or negative directions.
25.77 (%55.15)
6m S-Momentum13.35 (%52.67)
3m S-Momentum3.90 (%50.78)
Overbought0 (%NAN)
Algorithm Total
Analyst Sentiment ?
We track several different measures of analyst sentiment including ratings and price targets. To create a composite Analyst Sentiment Score, we weight several factors such as the recent rate of change which can be more predictive than the absolute level. We also weight each analyst's opinion based on their historic accuracy. We built in a time decay function to ensure that the rating reflects the current sentiment levels. Typical range (-500 to +500)
Sentiment Score 46.46%
Positive Ratings 141.1%
Negative Ratings -70.74
Boost Price Target 43.31%
Lower Price Target -20.76
46.46 (%61.62)
Broad Sentiment
See Full Analysis
Notional Volume$53.1M
At SMA Score45 (%13.43)
Demark 9 ?
Demark 9 indicators are designed to look for exhaustion in the selling or buying trend which can often be predictive of a reversal point. This indicator is triggered when there are 9 consecutive days where the closing price is higher/lower than the closing price 4 days ago. Like all indicators, it is best used in combinations with other factors.
0 (%0)
Short Interest Score +
We take into account several different measures of short interest to create a composite score. Range (0 - 30)
Short Interest 5.3%
Days to Cover 2.9
Rate of Change 22.308%
Short Interest Score 4.8027
4.8027 (%67.98)
Options Sentiment0.00
Oversold0 (%NAN)
1y S-Momentum ?
Smooth Momentum is our proprietary technical indicator that looks for momentum with the greatest consistency and steady velocity. We have penalized dramatic swings and fluctuations. If the momentum is too high and an asset spikes upward, this is often unreliable and collapses back down. But the smooth momentum provides the highest probability of continuing into the near future with the same directional rate of change. Several complex factors are weighted by neural nets to maximize probabilistic accuracy. It works the same with positive or negative directions.
94.49 (%68.9)
6m S-Momentum68.44 (%63.69)
3m S-Momentum78.71 (%65.74)
Overbought0 (%NAN)
Algorithm Total
Analyst Sentiment ?
We track several different measures of analyst sentiment including ratings and price targets. To create a composite Analyst Sentiment Score, we weight several factors such as the recent rate of change which can be more predictive than the absolute level. We also weight each analyst's opinion based on their historic accuracy. We built in a time decay function to ensure that the rating reflects the current sentiment levels. Typical range (-500 to +500)
Sentiment Score 74.70%
Positive Ratings 43.44%
Negative Ratings -4.6
Boost Price Target 115.59%
Lower Price Target -5.04
74.70 (%68.68)
Broad Sentiment
See Full Analysis
Notional Volume$285.3M
At SMA Score0 (%0)
Demark 9 ?
Demark 9 indicators are designed to look for exhaustion in the selling or buying trend which can often be predictive of a reversal point. This indicator is triggered when there are 9 consecutive days where the closing price is higher/lower than the closing price 4 days ago. Like all indicators, it is best used in combinations with other factors.
0 (%0)
Short Interest Score +
We take into account several different measures of short interest to create a composite score. Range (0 - 30)
Short Interest 0.9%
Days to Cover 2.4
Rate of Change 9.108%
Short Interest Score 1.73653
1.73653 (%88.42)
Options Sentiment0.00
Oversold0 (%NAN)
1y S-Momentum ?
Smooth Momentum is our proprietary technical indicator that looks for momentum with the greatest consistency and steady velocity. We have penalized dramatic swings and fluctuations. If the momentum is too high and an asset spikes upward, this is often unreliable and collapses back down. But the smooth momentum provides the highest probability of continuing into the near future with the same directional rate of change. Several complex factors are weighted by neural nets to maximize probabilistic accuracy. It works the same with positive or negative directions.
98.91 (%69.78)
6m S-Momentum72.41 (%64.48)
3m S-Momentum205.11 (%91.02)
Overbought0 (%NAN)
Algorithm Total
Analyst Sentiment ?
We track several different measures of analyst sentiment including ratings and price targets. To create a composite Analyst Sentiment Score, we weight several factors such as the recent rate of change which can be more predictive than the absolute level. We also weight each analyst's opinion based on their historic accuracy. We built in a time decay function to ensure that the rating reflects the current sentiment levels. Typical range (-500 to +500)
Sentiment Score 58.55%
Positive Ratings 9.58%
Negative Ratings -2.03
Boost Price Target 110.17%
Lower Price Target -0.63
58.55 (%64.64)
Broad Sentiment
See Full Analysis
Notional Volume$2.2B
At SMA Score35 (%10.45)
Demark 9 ?
Demark 9 indicators are designed to look for exhaustion in the selling or buying trend which can often be predictive of a reversal point. This indicator is triggered when there are 9 consecutive days where the closing price is higher/lower than the closing price 4 days ago. Like all indicators, it is best used in combinations with other factors.
0 (%0)
Short Interest Score +
We take into account several different measures of short interest to create a composite score. Range (0 - 30)
Short Interest 1.1%
Days to Cover 2.9
Rate of Change 15.576%
Short Interest Score 2.16355
2.16355 (%85.58)
Options Sentiment0.00
Oversold200 (%INF)
1y S-Momentum ?
Smooth Momentum is our proprietary technical indicator that looks for momentum with the greatest consistency and steady velocity. We have penalized dramatic swings and fluctuations. If the momentum is too high and an asset spikes upward, this is often unreliable and collapses back down. But the smooth momentum provides the highest probability of continuing into the near future with the same directional rate of change. Several complex factors are weighted by neural nets to maximize probabilistic accuracy. It works the same with positive or negative directions.
178.78 (%85.76)
6m S-Momentum140.65 (%78.13)
3m S-Momentum187.72 (%87.54)
Overbought0 (%NAN)
Algorithm Total
Analyst Sentiment ?
We track several different measures of analyst sentiment including ratings and price targets. To create a composite Analyst Sentiment Score, we weight several factors such as the recent rate of change which can be more predictive than the absolute level. We also weight each analyst's opinion based on their historic accuracy. We built in a time decay function to ensure that the rating reflects the current sentiment levels. Typical range (-500 to +500)
Sentiment Score 40.72%
Positive Ratings 79.09%
Negative Ratings -94.7
Boost Price Target 109.95%
Lower Price Target -12.91
40.72 (%60.18)
Broad Sentiment